Build an orphanage.

Provide shelter, nutrition, healthcare, and education.

Establish a robust sponsorship program.

Remind children they were created for something larger in Christ.

Initiate healthcare and educational programming.

Educational Projects:

Fostering Positive Change.

  • Our goal is to organize different extracurricular activities for children; based on their skills, hobbies and interests, so they can start learning the gifts the Lord has given them.
  • These extracurricular activities may include playing instruments, ready clubs, creative writing, basketball teams, soccer teams, etc.
  • Our arts, recreational and sports programs engage children in creative activities that build self-esteem, teamwork and discipline.
  • By channeling their energy into positive outlets, we help deter involvement in negative behaviours, contributing to a safer community environment.


  • Educational support for children
    in the orphanage. Our after-school tutoring program provides academic support for our children within the orphanage.
  • By improving educational outcomes, we empower children to break the cycle of poverty.
  • This then leads to improved economic stability and reduced vulnerability to crime, gang membership etc.


  • We offer entrepreneurship training to older orphaned children.
  • This fosters a spirit of innovation, improve and awaken leadership skills, as well as allow  older children to be more self-sufficient as they get older.
  • By nurturing our children to experience economic growth, create job opportunities, and reduce the appeal of criminal activities.

Get Involved


• Join us in praying for this Canadian Charitable Organization so the Lord may bless it and bring so many children, who are in captivity to the sins of this world, to hope, freedom and prosperity.
Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20.

Sponsor Child

• By sponsoring a child, you can make a lasting difference in their life. You will receive updates on their progress and be a part of their journey towards a brighter future. They will share letters of gratitude, love, and joy to you.
• Connect with a child by becoming their life-changing angel and help them fulfill their life purpose.


• Your generous donations directly impact the lives of orphaned children. Your contribution helps us provide essential resources and create a nurturing environment for these children and their basic personal needs. Anything you give from your heart is well-received. The children are forever grateful for your generosity and blessings, and God will give you much more.
• Provide essential resources.
• Create a nurturing environment.


•Join us in Honduras or contribute remotely by volunteering your time and skills. Whether you're a teacher, healthcare professional, or have other expertise, or just sharing your time and support is invaluable. You will find Honduras is a country filled with natural beauty, and its people are the humblest you can ever meet. They will fill you with a purpose and gratitude.
• See our calendar and join your efforts to meet with the kids and share your time and love.

Spread the Word

• Help us raise awareness about the challenges faced by orphaned children in Honduras. Follow us on social media, share our stories, and inspire others to get involved.
• Inform your peers about the statistical rates and life quality for children in Honduras. Share the statistical facts we provide on this website and believe you can make a change.

Apply with Us

• Share your professional knowledge and work together with us as a colleague to support this cause and save children in Honduras from their hardships by making a positive change and impact in their lives.
• Involve yourself personally and spiritually.
• For more career opportunities send us an email below.